Bill Viola, Tristan’s Ascension (The Sound of a Mountain Under a Waterfall), 2005, © Bill Viola Studio

The first Belgian exhibition of international scope to celebrate the work of this unrivalled video artist.
Technically dazzling, Bill Viola's works are at once grandiose and intimate, complex and surprisingly accessible, spectacular and profoundly human. And all are imbued with a universal humanism.
A major figure in contemporary art, Bill Viola is considered one of the pioneers of the medium of video art.
An exhibition presented by Tempora and the Bill Viola Studio at the Musée de La Boverie.

The itinerary brings together 18 monumental works spanning the artist's career over the last three decades. Visitors are invited to wander freely, immersing themselves in a visual and sonic universe of unparalleled intensity.
Themes emerge and echo one another like a leitmotif - transition, ritual, connection beyond the grave, life, death, water as a primary element, transfiguration - but the viewers are free to insert their own point of view into the images, and to approach the exhibition without any chronological or thematic considerations, choosing their own path and pace.
Each installation thus offers a universe and a narrative in itself, to be appreciated separately, inviting consideration, emotion and reflection.
Bill Viola's works are an invitation to contemplation, often leading to personal reflection.
A pioneer of video art, in the early '70s he worked alongside Nam June Paik, exploding the codes of television and cinema. Bill Viola invented a new grammar of the moving image: unique, powerful and fascinatingly beautiful.
Bill Viola is recognized worldwide as one of the most important artists of our time and an undisputed pioneer of video art. Over the past 45 years, his work has consistently explored humanistic and spiritual subjects.
Bill Viola is one of those artists whose work makes us aware of our own mortality, which is inseparable from our human condition.

Bill Viola, Kira Perov © Bill Viola Studio

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